Monday, July 07, 2008

The New CD is here - Please Welcome: More Second-hand Tales

My path on the road of storytelling is filled with people who have helped me do what I do and have supported me in many different ways: Duncan McDougall, director of CLiF; Grace Greene and Ann Hoey, ‘in charge’ of the children’s literature and activities of Vermont and New Hampshire State Libraries were a great help at the beginning of my career path. Bonna Wieler, Steve Glazer, Mo Wilson, Betsy Eaton and Peter Blodgett, who were incredibly supportive at the beginning and continue to be a huge support. And then there are other people like Rob Brookes, Rick Barrows, Kristine Stykos, Greg Gundlach, Dean and Sally Whitlock, Ben Power, my LANES colleagues, and my Storytel listserv buddies. And then there are the librarians, the teachers, the parents, the children who book me to perform and come to see me do my thing. And my family - Sarah, Aidan and Perry. Without all these folks I would not be where I am today. With the help of all these people and more I now have a new CD: "More Second-hand Tales".

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