Tuesday, June 06, 2006

World of Stories

Welcome to a world of stories. This blog has been created so I can post my thoughts, when I have them or the time to post the few I have about what I am doing and the odd story, too.

I am British and have been living in the States with my wife Sarah, for over 11 years. I began storytelling when working for the Youth Hostel Association (England and Wales) back in 1991, but turned professional in 2003. Since then I have told tales at schools, libraries, a couple of festivals and at private parties.

Combining my passion for children’s literature and folklore, I have created a fun program for all ages. My repertoire comes mainly from European folk and faery tales, but I also includes stories from South America, Africa, China and Japan amongst other countries. All these stories are given life and animation by unique voices, as I act them out in front of a captivated audience! Honest! Just visit my website and look at my testimonials! www.diamondscree.com

Well, I must be off to do some work - learn and practise more stories!


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