Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Earth Day Everyday

Earth Day has been and gone, but we should be conscious of our environment everyday.  My family went to see a documentary called "Bag It!" which is all about plastic.  Christine Giordano who made it did not think that plastic was bad, she just thought that we could do a damn sight better job of recycling and making better products - such as getting rid of single use plastic bags.  We, at home, already recycle and use reusable bags, but we bought cotton bags to put things like produce in and investigated some more robust bags which use recycled material.  A company which make incredibly durable reusable bags from recycled plastic bottles is Chico Bags and another, who make the cotton produce bags, is EcoBags.  Christine Giordano told an amazing story and since seeing this movie we have increased our awareness more than it already was.  If you get the chance to see the story of plastic, check out where Bag It! is playing or bring it to your own community.

On another and completely different note, this weekend (29th April to the 1st May) I will be performing with a slew of other storytellers at the Connecticut Storytelling Festival in New London, CT.  There is a truly incredible collection of tellers that will be there, including the headlining Choctaw storyteller Tim Tingle.  If you have not already got your tickets, go on line now or call the Connecticut Storytelling Center.  This is an event not to be missed. Imagine - a weekend of stories!  Ahhh, bliss!

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